Happy new crazy year 2009 |
Have you heard the latest ? Let me update you ! Useless news as well as revolutionary things shows how creative or bored the producers are.
Desperate Housedaughters : Barbie "of the Undead"
Which girl has not been dreaming about this? Girls usually get sick of the fact that Barbie is the prettiest, the best combed and the best dressed. Sometimes, we feel like cutting her hair, pulling her eyes out and operate her with a compass, etc.... and trust me : a child's imagination is endless.

Now it's done....
but by professionnals. Not any girl could have done that. It is art. A lot of people have been asking whetever the doll is for sale, and it is since January...
Too bad, it would have been great to give it to our freak cousine for Christmas.
No need to go on with the subject : Ken gets indignant, Ken rebels, Ken wants a revolution but nobody else seems to be offended.....
Fast Food J'adore
(designed by Burger King)
They won't dare ! Yes, they did. Burger King has its own perfume : « Flame ». The slogan is not tremendously charming and original : « When fire meets desire ». This perfume is for your body and smells the grilled steak. Yes, grilled steak ! Don't ask who wants to smell that way. If you want it or want your relatives to smell the grilled steak, you can have it in the internet http://www.firemeetsdesire.com/ or buy it in Burger King in New York for 3,99$.

A hood string or the art of being extremely ridiculous ?
A renewed string : two artists (Han et Brikauski) gave it a new dimension: more modern and practical. It is called « Hood Thong », a combination between a string and a hood. My god.... this is a promise for scorching nights.
An artificial hymen
The artificial hymen : fresh and available in stores..... It can replace the virginity of the happy consumer. The problem of our little Ladies is solved, which makes also guys satisfied: no excuse to wait for the wedding night and consume love. How to do that ? Are you already lost ? Don't worry : everything is explained in the modus vivendi. You have to put it "you-know-where" and then wait until it has bulged a little bit. If the female client is stupid (or the male one, who knows ?), it is precised - as it is precised on condom boxes Don't use again, throw away after use - that you should moan to make your lover believe that this is your first time.
Who's next ?
How far will we be going ?
Is our society losing mind ? It may be one of the best solutions to face the "crisis" and the pathetic world that have created media to make us more tasteless and flabby in the couch.
Let's not joke about that.... The french internet site www.colette.fr proposes T-shirts with such :
- La crise et moi, on est potes sur facebook. (The crisis and I are friends on facebook)
- T'as pas vu a crise ? Elle me doit des sous. (Have you seen the crisis ? She owns me money)
- aldantelacrise.com (aldantethecrisis.com)
Is it the only way to face the crisis ? Making a moquery of that ? Why not !

2008 was the crazy year for trompes l'oeil. They are overwhelming, whetever huge giraffes or old libraries, whetever butterflies or flowers .... we love it.
The most surprisingly trompe l'oeil is the one for shoes by Tempu Paints (New York), a society specialised in body painting, which for instance took care of the make up for X-Men or Da Vince Code. Jugde by yourselves.

To celebrate the new year, we propose ice cubes which look like Lego cubes. Just chill the champagne with it.

After High Heels and Volver by Almodovar, let me introduce you to the RE-VOLVER HEELS, another shooes whim,... Presented for the spring summer 2009 Chanel runway and designed by Lagerfeld, these shooes are now on sale for "only" 2 000 euros.
Vertical constructions ? Let's go to Dubaï where they plan to build the first entirely mobile tower.

Even Paris has not been forgotten in 2009. To celebrate its 120 anniversary, the Eiffel Tower will discover a surprise at its top.....

..... a plateform....
Finally, more sinister : a 34 years old British, Wayne Forester, was condemned in October to go to jail for the rest of his life. Why ? After a break, his wife changed her facebook status into "single". He couldn't stand it and killed her. Thank you, news feed ! We must be careful : an American got fired because he was not working on a friday. He said he was "sick". One of his colleages saw pictures of him at a party on facebook and was so nice that he showed it to the boss. On Monday, after a little chat with the boss, there was no more reason to party.... And the list of such unpleasant consequences is getting dangerously longer and longer.... but don't worry, a special article about facebook will be soon online !
Desperate SEXE : It's not over !
You get bored on a flight ? Don't worry.... We got the solution for you : a small modus operandi to make love in security during the flight : http://www.sextutor.com/plane
Last year, sex was very parodied : for thoses who need an update, enjoy the advert of Diesel porno XXL or the Greenpeace one....
After the first pregnant man (originally a woman that was operated to become a man and whose spouse could not give birth),.......
- the world's record of male orgasms in one day : 31 times during the Masturbations-Marathon in San Fransisco....
- the result of californian research professors studying the link between share of household chores and conjugal sex : the more they share, the better sex they have....
- the latest tatoo of David Beckham : his wife Victoria on his left harm..... naked.......
- the failure of an Ecuadorian politician Maria Soledad Vela to put the right to good sex in the law...
- the distinction between toilets with or without urinal and not between men and women anymore because transexuals were "discriminated" in Manchester and pressed charges.....
What's next ? The WiiPorno to solve proxenetism ?

The lego porno ?
But let's be sure about this : it's not over.... new surprises are coming up soon !
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