Does your sit on a bus define your personality ? Yes, according to a psychologist (Dr Tom Fawcett of Salford University). Research suggests your seat preference on a Londoner bus could indicate what sort of character you have...
Dr Fawcett, a lecturer on mental toughness who has helped train Olympic athletes, said there were definite patterns in people's behaviour depending on where they sat. He came to his conclusions after watching people on hour-long bus trips between Bolton and Manchester.
"With something as habitual as getting on a bus people may find it surprising that their choice of seat can actually reveal aspects of their personality."
According to him, bus passengers fell into seven distinct groups.
--> Those at the front on the top deck are generally forward thinkers.
--> Those at the back are rebellious types who do not like their personal space being invaded (that's not big news, our past of pupils reminds us of the fact that brainy people sit in front whereas rebels and leaders sit on the large seat at the back - for five people.)
--> Sitting in the middle are independent thinkers - usually younger to middle-aged passengers more likely to read a newspaper or listen to a personal music player.
--> On the bottom deck at the front tend to be gregarious meeters-and-greeters while those in the middle are "strong communicators". Travellers who automatically head for the rear downstairs are said to be risk-takers who like to sit on elevated seats because it makes them feel important.
--> The final group is defined as chameleons - travellers who do not care where they sit because they feel they can fit in anywhere.
One problem : he does not say what happens to forward thinkers on a single-decker bus. Do they wait for a double-decker ?
..... I am sure that you will listen to people's body language in the future. Don't underestimate it.
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